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Module 3 - Load Test a RESTful API (Java)

Are you looking for a way to create a REST API that stays performant and resilient under high load? Our third module has been built for you: you will learn how to load test a REST API with Gatling.
By answering the quizzes, you will get your certification!
The module is divided into 3 sections.

What's included?

Section A - Project Overview and Setup

For this module, we’ll start by having an overview of the RESTful API, setting up our Gatling development environment, and using the Gatling recorder to create our initial Gatling script.
  • Overview of the Gatling DemoStore API
  • Setting up Gatling Development Environment
  • Recording and executing initial Gatling Script

Section B - Gatling Scripting

We will cover the refactoring of authentication, and we will also factor our cores in categories API, refactor product API cores, and add some programmatic templating to our Gatling scripts. The following is covered in this section:
  • Refactoring Gatling code into static variables
  • Using selectors to capture data
  • Using the Session API for advanced scripting
  • Adding Programmatic Templating

Section C - Simulation Design & Execution

The final section will explore load simulation design and test execution. With a working Gatling script, we will create and examine different scenarios. We will also have a demonstration of distributed test execution using Gatling Enterprise. The following is covered in this section:
  • Looking at different types of simulation: open and modal, throttled simulations.
  • Building on distinct user journeys to your script and executing different scenarios sequentially or in parallel.
  • Adding runtime parameters to our script.
  • Overview of distributed testing with Gatling Enterprise

This module is only available in Java. If you are new to Gatling Academy, we highly recommended you check our first module as we are covering a lot of basics such as installation, first script creation, and design execution.